To rescue the Nation from disasters and emergencies.
This Division will perform the following functions:-
- To coordinate disaster preparedness and responsiveness in the Country; and
- To carry out rapid damage, needs assessment and recovery activities.
This Division will be led by a Director and will have three (3) Sections:-
- Operations and Coordination Section;
- Disaster Research Section; and
- Emergency Operation and Communication Centre Section.
Operations and Coordination Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
- Prepare, co-ordinate and implement plans for disaster preparedness and response activities and monitor their implementation;
- Co-ordinate MDAs and other stakeholders on disaster preparedness and response operations;
- Develop strategies for resource mobilization, solicit funds and administer distribution and utilization of funds and relief supplies;
- Conduct post disaster trauma; and
- Account for funds, goods and services provided as relief for disaster victims.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
Disaster Research Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
- Carry out research in areas that are prone to disasters in liaison with professionals and advise the Government;
- Develop and implement strategies for mitigating disasters in prone areas;
- Co-ordinate MDAs and other stakeholders on disaster preparedness;
- Carry out damage and needs assessments and advise accordingly;
- Collect and maintain data related to disasters for forecasting and early warnings and provide feedback to relevant authorities;
- Provide mapping on hazards and vulnerabilities for risk management and provide feedback to relevant authorities;
- Follow-up on global research trends on Disaster Management and advise accordingly; and
- Plan and conduct public awareness on disasters.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.
Emergency Operation and Communication Centre Section
This Section will perform the following activities:-
- Receive, analyse and disseminate disaster emergency information from within and outside Tanzania;
- Provide early warning of any foreseen disaster;
- Assess and monitor incident situation and advise accordingly;
- Provide command and control of national disaster operations;
- Develop protocols for managing operations of centre during impending and in emergency situation;
- Coordinate and establish sub and visual operation centres; and
- Coordinate and disseminate information concerning disaster issues.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.